By Grace Hart

Clarilis at TechLaw.Fest 2020

Clarilis at TechLaw.Fest 2020

Clarilis is proud to be Productivity & Innovation Partner at the upcoming Cyber Edition of TechLaw.Fest 2020 on 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2020!

This 5 day global event brings together the international community to debate, deliberate, act and innovate in both the law of technology (policies, regulations, legislation, case law and governance) and the technology of law (infrastructure, business transformation and people development).

Our CEO, James Quinn, will be giving a talk on how to ensure a successful implementation of document automation for law firms and in-house legal teams, how to encourage user adoption and steps that need to be taken to ensure ROI.  

If you’re planning on attending, drop by our virtual booth and say hello.

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Deep automation delivers to the bottom line

Download our white paper for our free automation checklist to help you understand the ROI and TCO and how to ensure a successful implementation that delivers value.