Partner with Clarilis for innovation and stronger client relationships

From off-the-shelf pre-automated content to bespoke automation for your clients


Enhancing client-firm relationships through our partnerships

We take a fully flexible approach to working with you. You remain focussed on providing high-quality advice and bespoke solutions to your clients, while Clarilis delivers and implements the automation technology to guarantee a successful outcome.

Collaborative partner

Clarilis work with leading organisations to deliver high quality products. Our partnerships include FromCounsel, MCL and PSG to enable fast, efficient, and risk-mitigated document production for corporate and real estate practices. These products have been transformational for law firms of all sizes.


White-label partner

We can work behind the scenes as your technology partner, allowing your firm to deliver innovative automation solutions directly to your clients, on a white-label basis. In this scenario, the Clarilis platform and implementation teams work on the technology, while all client communication is handled by you.

Learn more about our partnership with TLT

Collaborative Alliances

Clarilis can take an active role, operating alongside your firm, and engaging directly with your client. 

Learn more about our alliance with PwC

Featured partner: TLT

TLT partners with Clarilis to deliver more value to in-house legal teams through their newly launched ‘Intelligent Drafting’ solution. TLT also uses the Clarilis platform internally.

TLT is a top 50 UK law firm

“There are a number of benefits including the time savings around producing a good quality first draft of a document, the reduction of unrecoverable hours, and strengthening client relationships.”

Head of Knowledge Management, TLT

See the Clarilis platform in action with a demo

News and resources

Is there a role for DocAuto in law firms in the age of GenAI?

The Creation of Real Estate Plus

The Digital Drafting Mentor: Why Clarilis is becoming a critical...