Why leading law firms and businesses choose Clarilis
Draft suites of documents 90% faster
Leverage the power of LLMs to enhance your drafting experience
Delivering outcomes to transform your legal practice
FromCounsel, MCL, TLT, PwC, your firm
Trusted by leading law firms and organisations
Clarilis Real Estate Plus is a comprehensive suite of deeply automated commercial real estate documents comprised of industry standard documentation and curated content from the MCL drafting committee and international law firm Gowling WLG.
This off-the-shelf solution provides deep automation of documents frequently used by commercial real estate teams - covering sales, full lease lifecycle, short-term occupation, options, pre-emptions, and construction.
The Sale Suite contains five types of contract for use with vacant and tenanted properties, including for portfolio transactions. A Land Registry transfer deed can be drafted alongside, with a choice of clauses in the TP1 form to deal with common situations e.g. rights of way and services. The suite also includes optional deeds of assignment for benefits such as rent deposits and warranties.
The New Lease Suite contains the most commonly used documents for the grant of a new lease. It includes an Agreement for Lease, both of the standard forms of MCL Lease and a shorter form Renewal Lease by Reference, as well as various ancillary documents to cover alterations, rent deposits, ancillary occupation and exclusion of security of tenure.
The Asset Management Suite contains documents needed for transactions during the term of a lease. It includes Licences for assignment, underletting, change of use, and alterations, together with a framework Deed of Variation.
The Surrender Suite drafts all documents required for surrendering a tenancy including an optional Agreement to Surrender and the deed of surrender in both document and Land Registry Transfer formats.
The Occupational Arrangements Suite contains a set of documents covering different forms of short-term or ancillary occupation. It includes, for example, a Tenancy at Will and Licence to Park, amongst others.
The Security of Tenure Suite enables standalone drafting of 1954 Act papers both for the grant of a new lease and an agreement to surrender an existing lease with security of tenure.
The Options and Pre-Emptions Suite drafts an option or pre-emption of whole or part of a property, including wording for fixed price or market valuation determination of option price, with an accompanying transfer deed if required.
The Construction/Collateral Warranties Suite currently contains simple forms of Collateral Warranty to be issued by a Consultant or Contractor to a Tenant of a property.
The solution includes several built-in data sources and integrations.
Real Estate Plus now includes the Better Building Partnership’s (“BBP”) Green Lease Toolkit provisions
Clarilis + Avail
For commercial real estate teams using Real Estate Plus, when entering title details for a property they can now use the Clarilis Avail integration to incorporate the information directly - by either uploading the Land Registry official copy, or by entering the title number into the questionnaire.
Clarilis Real Estate Plus
Case Study
“We tried another product prior to using Clarilis. We felt let down by this solution, as it still involved us having to spend a large amount of time manually drafting. We also found that a lot of the time, the agreements were landlord weighted, and therefore there was an awful lot of amendment required. This actually led to transactions taking longer.”
Jamie Connolly, Managing Director, Thomas Flavell & Sons
The Clarilis Real Estate Plus solution contains over 70 deeply automated commercial real estate documents, across a range of different suites including the new lease suite, sale suite, surrender suite, options and pre-emptions suite, security of tenure suite, asset management suite, and construction suite. To see more details click here.
This out-of-the-box solution enables firms to draft complete sales or lease suites in under 10 minutes, and a whole range of other commercial real estate documents in minutes.
Clarilis Real Estate Plus contains precedents from both the Model Commercial Lease ("the MCL") drafting committee (with representation from a wide range of top tier commercial real estate practices) and Gowling WLG (who is also a member of the MCL committee).
Gowling WLG has drafted the additional precedents contained within Real Estate Plus:
- to be harmonious with the MCL documents; and
- to represent a fair market view, rather than necessarily Gowling WLG’s house view in particular areas.
The content is maintained in accordance with changes in real estate law and practice over time, and based on market feedback - i.e. Clarilis and Gowling WLG will evolve the underlying automation and precedents in line with feedback received from commercial real estate departments and the MCL drafting committee.
Real Estate Plus includes Clarilis’ extensive styling options as standard. These styling options enable firms to extensively customise the styling of documents drafted by Clarilis to match or in some circumstances closely mirror your firm’s house style, all whilst maintaining all of the benefits of centrally maintained content and automation.
These styling options go way beyond changing the logo, font typeface and font size. There are over 170 options, across 80 categories, which Clarilis will configure for you as part of the onboarding process. Please speak to us for more details.
Where required, bespoke house styling is also available to 100% match your firm’s house style. This might be necessary where your firm’s house style contains non-standard content or formatting. Bespoke house styling is available by separate commercial arrangement.
Clarilis fully maintains the automation of the precedents and updates the content as and when content providers update the underlying documents. This includes: (a) all updates from the MCL drafting committee; and (b) all Gowling WLG updates to reflect the latest law and to ensure the precedents continue to reflect a fair market view.
Real Estate Plus will evolve continually in line with the requirements of the commercial real estate market.
The Real Estate Plus content is centred around the Model Commercial Lease (“MCL”) precedents with additional content from Gowling WLG, a firm with one of the top UK real estate practices, and also a member of the MCL drafting committee.
Gowling has supported Real Estate Plus by drafting high quality supplementary commercial real estate documents to expand the scope of Real Estate Plus beyond leases. These additional precedents are drafted to be harmonious with the MCL documents, and to represent a fair market view (rather than necessarily Gowling WLG’s house view in particular areas).
The Clarilis MCL suite includes the 19 MCL leases, the MCL Asset Management documents, and the associated MCL ancillary documents. The Real Estate Plus solution is a broader and more comprehensive suite of commercial real estate documents, including areas not serviced by the MCL documents (such as sales, lease surrenders, options and pre-emptions, security of tenure, and construction collateral warranties) and enhancing areas covered by the MCL, for example by adding an Agreement for Lease and Lease by Reference.
That wouldn’t be unusual. Around 95% of our customers used alternative content before adopting Clarilis (and, we note, it’s not a binary choice, using some Real Estate Plus precedents and maintaining other client and ‘other source’ precedents suits many subscribers).
Firms usually adopt Real Estate Plus not only for the quality and breadth of our commercial real estate precedents, but also because they come fully automated and maintained. This brings significant commercial advantages for firms using Clarilis. Many firms are struggling with very low margins in real estate work, driven by manual precedents, ineffective automations, and contracts that require extensive negotiation to appease both parties.
Clarilis smashes that model, enabling you to draft balanced first drafts within minutes, increasing margins and delighting your customers. It has also enabled many firms to take on work they would have previously passed on, maybe due to the low margin or competitive pricing.
But we know you will still use your existing content for many matters, and sometimes you will be required to use client paper, which is why we have priced Real Estate Plus so competitively. Typically, you only need to use Real Estate Plus twice per year per user to achieve a positive return on investment. That’s drafting two leases or sale suites using Real Estate Plus in a year per user in order for your subscription to generate a positive return. Find out more in our pricing and ROI calculator above.
We know you may still use your existing precedents for many matters, and sometimes you will be required to use client paper, which is why we have priced Real Estate Plus so competitively. You only need to use Real Estate Plus twice per year per user to achieve a positive return on investment. That’s two leases or sales using Real Estate Plus in a year per person and it has typically paid for itself.
Absolutely, and many of our customers use the solution for exactly that. There is huge value in drafting lease ancillaries using Real Estate Plus even if you aren’t using Clarilis to draft the main lease. For example, if you are drafting from a client-specific lease precedent, you can still use Clarilis for the ancillary documentation.
Absolutely. We can set you up with a limited trial of Real Estate Plus, with a view to your firm subscribing if Real Estate Plus meets your requirements. Click here to request a trial.
No, there are no plugins or software required, if you can access the internet via a browser, you can use Clarilis. There is nothing to set up, no coding, no marking up documents, that’s all been handled in advance by our Innovation Professional Support Lawyers and our supporting automation team.
Yes, Clarilis is:
- hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the UK;
- ISO 27001 certified by the British Standards Institute (BSI); and
- used by the largest law firms on the planet, having passed their rigorous Infosec processes. (Click here to see some of our customers).
You can read more about our security here.
Absolutely, we have full video training available on demand so your users can learn how to use the system. Not that in depth training is required, as one Partner from a client firm puts it, “if you can buy something on Amazon you can use Clarilis”.
Don’t forget, as the content is provided deeply automated out-of-the-box, you don’t need to implement Clarilis, it is ready to go.
“Real Estate Plus provides automated documents that help facilitate transactions rather than cause delays over drafting and negotiation on points that clients are just not that interested in.”
Ryan Davies, Real Estate Knowledge Lawyer, Gowling WLG