Why leading law firms and businesses choose Clarilis
Draft suites of documents 90% faster
Delivering outcomes to transform your legal practice
FromCounsel, MCL, TLT, PwC, your firm
Trusted by leading law firms and organisations
Intelligent drafting for the Canadian legal market
Intelligent drafting for the Irish legal market
Ready to deploy, exceptional quality, automations based on market standard content
Quality corporate content, fully automated on the Clarilis platform and maintained by our PSL team.
Automations based on market standard content, tailored to your firm’s requirements
Adapt Clarilis’ standard content to meet the needs of your firm’s clients. Custom adaptions delivered and maintained by Clarilis’ PSL team.
Your firm’s content automated, to 100% match your requirements
The gold standard - your firm’s precedents delivered as a fully maintained automation by the Clarilis PSL team, powered by Clarilis’ market-leading platform.
Clarilis provides a range of automation solutions for Corporate
Solutions that provide firms with the opportunity to access suites of exceptionally high quality automated documents, putting complex automation within the reach of all law firms.
With our hybrid approach, our market standard content solutions can be customised to meet the needs of your firm or specific clients, and can be augmented with your firm’s own precedents. Bespoke styling is also available to 100% match more complex house styles, whilst keeping the automation as a fully managed service.
Your firm’s own precedents, such as full SPA suites, are ideal candidates for deep automation. The result is an exceptionally customised and deeply automated suite of precedents for your firm. Many of our customers choose this option to make use of the knowledge that has built up in their own precedents and embed this firm specific knowledge and guidance into their Clarilis automations.
Clarilis provides a range of automation solutions for Corporate
Solutions that provide firms with the opportunity to access suites of exceptionally high quality automated documents with the aim of putting complex automation within the reach of all law firms.
With our hybrid approach, our market standard content solutions can be customised to meet the needs of your firm or specific clients, and can be augmented with your firm’s own precedents. Bespoke styling is also available to 100% match more complex house styles, whilst keeping the automation as a fully managed service.
Standard solutions include:
Your firm’s own precedents, such as full SPA suites, are ideal candidates for deep automation. The result is an exceptionally customised and deeply automated suite of precedents for your firm. Many of our customers choose this option to make use of the knowledge that has built up in their own precedents and embed this firm specific knowledge and guidance into their Clarilis automations.
Bespoke examples include:
Alastair Lomax, Restructuring Partner, TLT
This is due to an accelerated pace of change and digital adoption, driven by client demand for agility, speed and rigour.
Significant fee earner time and resource is still being wasted on mechanical and routine document creation, particularly when drafting the long and complex documentation required for share sale and purchase transactions.
Clarilis is referred to as ‘game changing’ by law firms, because of its unique ability to deliver deep automations that drive huge savings in complex corporate scenarios. Law firms using Clarilis are creating high quality first drafts of SPAs and all ancillaries in under two hours - days quicker than their competitors. This enables them to expand capacity, improve margins, delegate to more junior lawyers in a risk mitigated environment, grow market share, and aid recruitment and retention.
Book a DemoConsider Share Purchase Agreements and the number of permutations in the terms of a transaction;
Clarilis has this covered.
"Nobody really wants to be that lawyer sitting there at 2am replacing 'seller' with 'sellers' in the document. There is a better way!"
Karen Hendy, Head of Corporate, RPC