Why leading law firms and businesses choose Clarilis
Draft suites of documents 90% faster
Delivering outcomes to transform your legal practice
FromCounsel, MCL, TLT, PwC, your firm
Trusted by leading law firms and organisations
Intelligent drafting for the Canadian legal market
Intelligent drafting for the Irish legal market
We don’t just license the technology and leave you to it. Clarilis handles the entire automation project, from conception through to development, implementation, and beyond.
Traditionally, implementation of document automation has been unexpectedly time-consuming and expensive, particularly for complex projects. That’s why at Clarilis we have invested in a highly expert team to offer a fully managed service to all our clients.
You’ll work with our professional support lawyers (PSLs) who have, on average, more than 15 years' PQE. Their wealth of legal knowledge and expertise enables them to understand your needs and challenges. The PSLs are your point of communication. They talk your language, understand the challenges you face, and work with you to deliver world-class automations.
Our PSL team is supported by the largest team of automation specialists in the UK, with experts in logic, UI design, and optimising automation projects. We have experienced document analysts and document automators who will work on your automation projects, ensuring that they are delivered on time and provide a solid ROI. Updating automated precedents is easy: simply send a mark-up of the relevant word document and we make the relevant changes.
We can do in weeks what it might take you months or even longer to achieve with a self-build toolkit. We follow a clearly defined set of steps, with minimal work from your side, to get the automation up and running. Then we stay with you to manage and maintain it.
“The managed service approach was refreshing as we didn’t have the resources in terms of our PSLs and their time nor the automation skills.”
Marcos Toffanello
Head of Knowledge Management, Birketts
“The support provided by their professional support lawyers in the automation process is invaluable.”
Jill Moore
Counsel for Legal Risk and Technology, Burness Paull
How can we ensure our automation project is successful? People, processes, technology - All of these elements play an important role in an automation project and it is the careful combination of all three that leads to success.