Clarilis + Avail

Automatically incorporate HM Land Registry information

For commercial real estate teams using the Clarilis Real Estate Plus or MCL Suite automations, when entering title details for a property they can now use the Clarilis Avail integration to incorporate the information directly - by either uploading the HM Land Registry official copy, or by entering the title number into the questionnaire.

  • Avoid having to enter title information manually
  • Increases speed and accuracy
  • Works from a HM Land Registry official copy or just the title number
  • Select which information is used
  • The accompanying documents are available via Clarilis
  • Works with your existing Avail licence
  • Set up in seconds

The Clarilis Avail integration requires an Avail licence, and firms will be charged by Avail in accordance with their Avail licence agreement. There is no additional charge for using Avail via Clarilis.  

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Avail analyses the title register, and you can select all, or part of that information to automatically complete the relevant questions throughout the Clarilis questionnaire.

Find out more about Clarilis Real Estate Plus
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When data is imported using the Clarilis Avail integration, the related accompanying documents are available directly within the Clarilis Questionnaire. You can also access these files from within your Avail account.

The integration enables quick and accurate use of the title register information without the risks associated with manual entry.

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Dom Conte Avail Headshot

"This integration establishes a seamless workflow that has never been possible before, empowering UK real estate teams to drive productivity and increase margins."

Dom Conte, Chief Product Officer, Avail

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Frequently asked questions

What is Avail?

Avail is a simple, easy pre-trained artificial intelligence platform designed to supercharge due diligence for real estate lawyers. 

Avail Title expertly analyses title registers and all underlying documents, instantly generating various reports that are versatile across all transaction and asset types.

How does Clarilis integrate with Avail Title?

Clarilis has integrated with Avail Title to enable Clarilis users to utilise the information extracted from HM Land Registry documents directly in certain Clarilis real estate automations.

Do I need an Avail licence to use it?

Yes, you will need to have an Avail licence.

If your firm is not currently an Avail customer, you'll need to set up an account directly with Avail before we can enable the integration on our side. Please note, any charges will be handled directly between your firm and Avail, based on your existing agreement. Clarilis does not take a percentage or apply any additional fees.

Do I need to install anything to use it?

No, you will just need to authorise Clarilis to use your Avail account. To do this you will initially be asked if you permit Clarilis to query Avail.

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