Extensive automation of both bespoke and pre-automated corporate documentation

From our fully bespoke service to our award winning alliance with FromCounsel, Clarilis ensures document suites from SPAs through to completion deliverables and Companies House forms, are now available to law firms of all sizes

Corporate law is at the forefront of digital transformation

This is due to an accelerated pace of change and digital adoption, driven by client demand for agility, speed and rigour.

The M&A market remains competitive

In a fiercely competitive market, it is the deal makers who can move fastest, who will claim market advantage. The ability to complete transactions quickly and at the right price point, brings obvious benefits in terms of speed, accuracy and improved risk mitigation.

But it is so much more than that. Client expectations remain high. With increasing pressure on margin and significant competitive tension, the need to differentiate has never been stronger.

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SPA GIF Compressed

Achieve in moments what used to take weeks to produce

Consider Share Purchase Agreements and the number of permutations in the terms of a transaction;

  • Who is the seller?
  • What type of legal entity are they?
  • In what jurisdiction are they incorporated?
  • What form will the consideration take?
  • What adjustments will be required after completion?

Clarilis has this covered. 

"Nobody really wants to be that lawyer sitting there at 2am replacing 'seller' with 'sellers' in the document. There is a better way!"
Karen Hendy, Head of Corporate, RPC

Clarilis and FromCounsel's Suites:


M&A Pre-Automated Document Suite

Clarilis and FromCounsel's automated M&A document suite allows for fast, efficient, and risk-mitigated document production for a wide range of share sale and purchase transactions.


Share Reorganisation Suites

Following the success of their award-winning automated M&A suite, FromCounsel and Clarilis
have launched a collection of comprehensively automated Share Reorganisation suites based on common share capital reorganisation actions.


“It's like magic, or some strange form of alchemy, where you hit a button and suddenly, you're presented with a suite of documents.”

Alastair Lomax, Restructuring Partner, TLT

Read Alastair's full testimonial

Tech and lawyers - the perfect partnership?

Technology is an enabler to stop fee earners wasting time when they don't have to, giving clients an infinitely better experience.

The Clarilis team of professional support lawyers work with you to evaluate the scope and business benefits of deep automation.

They are with you throughout your relationship with Clarilis - a continuous managed service as your firm evolves and grows.  Our PSLs were all previously senior solicitors in private practice or in-house legal teams.  Highly experienced people, supported by the unique Clarilis platform.

The winning combination.


Why deep automation?

Deep automation creates highly tailored and accurate suites of documents with minimal freehand drafting. 

The Clarilis platform gathers, stores and categorises key data about the transaction in a data model.  This highly structured method provides deeper automation than generic toolkits do and ensures that all documentation connected to a matter is drafted in the most efficient way.

Don't look to other departments. Look to your peers in corporate. What are they doing right now?

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A Game Changer for Corporate Transactions copy

Is it a must-have, or a nice-to-have?

The market will drive the pace

It's going to get busier!

  • The deal makers who move fastest will claim market advantage
  • Your clients will expect automation as 'standard' - if they don't already
  • M&A transactions that typically end with clients and their lawyers wrangling over the deal in the early hours, are when frustrations with manual document churn hit a peak 
  • Deep automation is a repeatable process, freeing up the team to drive the business forward
  • Share deep automation benefits with your clients - they will thank you for it.
“Tech enables us to win better value work from more strategic clients, because it frees the corporate team up from those parts of the transaction process that we consider to be inefficient.”
Andrew Webber, Corporate Law Partner, TLT

The days when fee earners spent hours working through precedents are long gone...or are they?

Resolving square brackets, fixing grammar, bringing in riders (copy/paste, copy/paste), copying paragraphs from other deal docs and changing the structure of the drafting in routine ways.

Sound familiar? It doesn't have to be this way!


Clarilis' Head of Legal, Emma Fear, looks at what the key foundations of a successful automation project are.

Top tips for a successful automation project: a lawyer’s perspective

Learn more

Where to start?

From selection of the right precedents to automate, to implementation of the automation, through to subsequent integration into your fee earners’ practice. Robust processes are key. Our PSLs are with you, every step of the way.

Think about what documents you should be automating

Each automation project should be justified in terms of the ROI delivered to the firm.

So our customers tell us:

“This (Clarilis) has proved a business game changer for our SPA suite and private equity documents in particular.”
Chris Taylor, Corporate Law Partner, Addleshaw Goddard

Think about who should be involved

At Clarilis all communication is lawyer-to-lawyer and from the outset, clients will have a dedicated Clarilis PSL who will be your single point of contact.  

Experience has shown us that the project is usually best led by the member of your knowledge management team responsible for the precedent(s) being automated.  

Whilst we work with over 30 of the Top 100 UK law firms, experience does not bring complacency. You will have a way you want to work and we want to work with you. Together we can adopt the best approach for your firm, with best-practice experience to build on.

Clarilis Factsheet

Intelligent drafting for Corporate Matters

Automation of corporate documents including:

  • Share purchase agreement
  • Private equity suite
  • Other investments (including VCT / EIS)
  • Business purchase agreement
  • Minutes, resolutions and filings

Read the Factsheet

How to prepare?

There is no requirement for the precedents destined for automation to be ‘perfect’ or ‘signed-off’.  As a general guide, if the relevant precedents are being used by your fee earners on live matters, then they are suitable for automation.  

The Clarilis process involves giving your dedicated Clarilis PSL the precedents that have been selected for automation, together with any relevant riders and drafting notes.  Our experienced team of PSLs and Document Analysts will carry out a very detailed review of the precedents in order to prepare them for automation.

Let us do the heavy lifting for you, this is what we do well!


What to expect?

  • Clients will demand new levels of speed of response - reduce drafting time by 90%
  • Complex deals require agility - reduce ancillary drafting time by 100%
  • Time to focus on what you do best - higher value deals, better margins
  • Attract the best talent to work for you - use tech as a differentiator for new talent acquisition - future lawyers don't want to do the heavy lifting
  • Risk mitigated delegation - less partner review time required

Liberate your corporate team from the parts of your process that are inefficient. Your lawyers and your clients will expect nothing less.

Chris Taylor (1)

“We want more of our complex document suites on the Clarilis platform to share the benefits of the time and cost savings across the wider firm in more aspects of our business”

Chris Taylor, Corporate Law Partner, Addleshaw Goddard

Read Chris' Full Testimonial

News and resources

Is there a role for DocAuto in law firms in the age of GenAI?

The Creation of Real Estate Plus

The Digital Drafting Mentor: Why Clarilis is becoming a critical...

See the Clarilis platform in action with a demo